We have many asking question and we really apreciate it, so dont stop, we like to help all of you, so that why we have gathered the most frequent questions and answered them for you, hope it can help you. if you cant find answer to your question, please dont hesitate to call us here. 

Q – What does Scandic Capitals do?

A – Scandic Capitals is a brokage company that provides expert guidance and strategic advice to individuals and businesses in investment and the real estate industry.  Our team of professionals helps clients make informed decisions related to buying, selling, leasing, and investing in properties. We handle all the practical matters, including contracts, deeds, resale. 

Q – Is Scandic Capitals a licensed real estate brokerage firm?

A – Scandic Capitals is not a traditional real estate brokerage firm. As an advisory company, we provide strategic guidance and industry expertise. However, our team members may hold individual real estate licenses, ensuring you receive guidance from qualified professionals.

Q – Does Scandic Capitals handle property sales directly?

A – No, Scandic Capitals is not directly involved in property sales. Instead, we focus on advising our clients throughout the entire process, offering market insights, property evaluations, negotiation strategies, and more. We work closely with reputable partners, like FX. developers.

Q – What types of properties does Scandic Capitals specialize in?

A – Our expertise spans a wide range of property types, including residential, commercial, industrial, and mixed-use properties. Whether you’re looking to buy, sell, or invest, we have the knowledge and experience to assist you.

Q – What sets Scandic Capitals apart from other real estate advisors?

A – Scandic Capitals distinguishes itself through its team of seasoned professionals, extensive market research, and personalized approach. We prioritize client satisfaction and work diligently to deliver the best outcomes for our clients.  and at Scandic Capitals, we exclusively operate on a performance-based fee tied to our investors’ returns upon a completed transaction. The fee ranges from 6% to 14%, depending on the project.”

Q – What does leverage mean?

A – In finance and investing, leverage refers to the use of borrowed funds (such as loans or debt) to increase the potential return of an investment. It involves using borrowed capital to finance an investment with the expectation that the investment’s return will exceed the cost of borrowing, thereby increasing the overall profit. A sample of financial leverage in real estate:
Suppose an investor wants to purchase a property worth $200,000. Instead of paying the entire amount in cash, the investor puts down a $40,000 (20%) down payment and obtains a $160,000 mortgage. If the property appreciates in value, say, by 5%, the investor’s return on the initial $40,000 investment would be 25% ($10,000 gain on a $40,000 investment). However, if the entire property was bought with cash, the return would only be 5% ($10,000 gain on a $200,000 investment).

Q – Can you guarantee me a return?

A – We have a saying here in our company, we rather surprise than promise too much.
In the investment world, it is difficult to guarantee anything, especially the return. However, what we can guarantee you as an investor with us is that you are in good and professional hands.

  1.  We don’t have any projects that we wouldn’t invest in ourselves.
  2. We have some really experienced professionals and cooperation partner to select the best projects.
  3. We can assure you that we sit like a rock on your investments and take you and your capital seriously.
  4. In all the years we have been active, not one of our investors has lost capital.

Q – I have been scammed before, how can I be sure you are not scammer like all the others?

A – We are sorry to hear that you were scammed, and we do understand that you may believe all others are scammers too, but just because one company scams you, doesn’t mean all other companies have the same intention, We only have happy customers and we have existed since 1998. Companies that scams people don’t exist that long.

Q – What does ROI, NPV and IRR mean, I always see it, regarding investments?

A – ROI, NPV and IRR is something that is widely used in the finance world, as a tool to help you decide if you are going to invest in that project.

  • Return on Investment (ROI) or return on costs is a ratio between net income and investment. A high ROI means the investment’s gains compare favorably to its cost. As a performance measure, ROI is used to evaluate the efficiency of an investment or to compare the efficiencies of several different investments.
  • The internal rate of return (IRR) is a metric used in financial analysis to estimate the profitability of potential investments. IRR is a discount rate that makes the net present value (NPV) of all cash flows equal to zero in a discounted cash flow analysis.
  • Net present value is used to determine whether or not an investment, project, or business will be profitable down the line. Essentially, the NPV of an investment is the sum of all future cash flows over the investment’s lifetime, discounted to the present value.

Q – It is not usually long-term when talking about real estate investments?

A – Because you are talking about real estate investments, it does not have to be long-term, but probably what most people know about. But house flipping, for example, can look a bit like day trading, where you usually buy and sell within 6 months.
When you invest with Scandic Capitals. then your capital is not tied up, and you can sell whenever you want.

It’s unfortunate that some investors have experienced scams in the past. Promises of high returns with absolute no risk should always raise red flags, as they are typically indicators of fraudulent schemes. As a responsible and ethical real estate advisory company, we must prioritize transparency and honesty when dealing with potential investors.

To avoid scams and protect investors, we always follow these best practices:

1. Transparent Communication: Provide clear and transparent information about potential investments, including the risks involved. Never make unrealistic promises or guarantees of high returns.

2. Educate Investors: Educate potential investors about the nature of real estate investments, market fluctuations, and the potential risks associated with such investments.

3. Perform Due Diligence: Conduct thorough due diligence on any real estate projects before presenting them to investors. Ensure that all projects are legitimate and have a solid foundation.

4. Regulatory Compliance: Comply with all relevant laws and regulations governing real estate investments and advisory services.

5. Risk Disclosure: Clearly disclose the risks involved in each investment opportunity, ensuring that investors fully understand what they are getting into.

6. Diversification: Encourage investors to diversify their portfolios to mitigate risk and avoid putting all their money into a single investment.

7. Independence: Maintain independence from developers and other parties involved in the real estate projects to ensure unbiased advice.

8. Customer References: Offer references or testimonials from satisfied investors who have successfully worked with us

By adhering to these principles, we can build trust with its investors and establish a reputable position in the real estate advisory industry. It’s essential to prioritize the long-term success and satisfaction of investors over short-term gains and unrealistic promises.

As a real estate advisory company, we should provide the following advice to our clients to help them make informed decisions and protect their interests:

1. Understand Your Objectives: Clearly define your real estate objectives, whether it’s buying a new property, selling an existing one, or making an investment. Knowing your goals will help the advisors tailor their recommendations to suit your needs.

2. Assess Risk Tolerance: Be realistic about your risk tolerance and financial capabilities. Understand that all investments carry some degree of risk, and it’s essential to balance potential rewards with your comfort level for risk-taking.

3. Conduct Due Diligence: Before making any investment or purchase decision, conduct thorough due diligence on the property, the market, and the involved parties. Ask for documentation, verify information, and seek independent advice if needed.

4. Diversify Your Portfolio: If you’re considering real estate investments, don’t put all your funds into a single property or project. Diversify your portfolio to spread risk across different assets and locations.

5. Review Legal and Financial Documents: Carefully review all legal and financial documents related to the transaction, including contracts, agreements, and disclosures. Seek legal counsel if necessary to ensure you fully understand the terms and implications.

6. Beware of Unrealistic Promises: Be cautious of any promises that seem too good to be true, such as guaranteed high returns with no risk. Always question the legitimacy of such claims and don’t hesitate to walk away from deals that sound suspicious.

7. Keep Emotions in Check: Avoid making impulsive decisions based on emotions. Real estate transactions are significant financial decisions, and it’s essential to remain level-headed and objective throughout the process.

8. Long-Term Vision: Consider your investment or property purchase in the context of your long-term financial goals. Real estate is often a long-term investment, and having a clear vision for the future can help you make better decisions.

Remember, a reputable real estate advisory company like us, Scandic Capitals will prioritize your best interests and provide transparent and honest guidance. Don’t hesitate to ask questions, seek clarification, and take your time before making any commitments. Your financial well-being and satisfaction are paramount, and a trustworthy advisory firm will support you throughout the process.