About us

Educational Backgound:

2003-2005 – MSc in Finance -London Business School

1997-2003 – Intern in Lokal banken

2000-2003 – IBA Erhvers akademi – Kolding, Denmark

Lars, born in 1970 in Sweden to a Swedish mother and Danish father, spent his childhood in Norway due to his father’s work. At a remarkably young age, Lars developed a keen interest in finance. While his peers spent their money freely, Lars chose a different path, diligently saving every penny he earned or received. His early commitment to financial prudence set the stage for a future marked by financial acumen and responsible decision-making

In 2005, Lars Holberg Johnson, a seasoned financial expert, founded Scandic Capitals GmbH a brokerage company based in Geneva, Switzerland. Lars had spent years honing his skills in the financial industry, and with a burning desire to offer exceptional financial services, he ventured out on his own.

From the outset, Lars set out to create a company with a strong foundation built on trust, transparency, and professionalism. He assembled a team of experienced professionals who shared his vision and dedication to providing top-notch financial solutions to their clients.

Scandic Capitals quickly gained a reputation for its astute investment advice and personalized approach to wealth management. The company’s commitment to understanding each client’s unique financial goals and risk tolerance ensured that every investment strategy was tailored to suit individual needs.

As the years passed, Scandic Capitals grew steadily, expanding its services and clientele. In 2004, recognizing the growing importance of the Asian markets, Scandic Capitals established its second office in Singapore. This strategic move allowed the company to tap into the region’s fast-growing economies and attract a diverse range of international clients.

Another significant milestone came in 2022 when Scandic Capitals opened its third office in the heart of the financial world, New York City. This move provided the company with a foothold in the highly competitive American market and strengthened its position as a global financial services provider.

Under Lars’ visionary leadership, Scandic Capitals continues to flourish. The company’s prudent investment strategies, coupled with a strong track record of delivering consistent returns, attract high-net-worth individuals, institutional investors, and corporate clients alike.

Over time, the company’s team has expanded to include over 50 skilled professionals with expertise in various financial disciplines, including asset management, portfolio diversification, risk assessment, and more. The collaborative efforts of this talented team ensures that clients receive comprehensive and sound financial advice.

Scandic Capitals Investments earns accolades and recognition within the industry for its outstanding performance and dedication to its clients’ success. Despite facing occasional challenges presented by the ever-changing financial landscape, Lars’ leadership and the collective expertise of the team allow the company to navigate through turbulent times with resilience and adaptability.

As we approach the present day, Scandic Capitals stands as a true testament to Lars’ vision and determination. The company remains committed to its core values of integrity, excellence, and client-centric service. With offices in Switzerland, Singapore, and New York, Scandic Capitals continues to serve as a trusted partner for investors around the world, helping them achieve their financial aspirations.

We hope that this story of Lars Holberg Johnson and Scandic Capitals can serve as an inspiration to aspiring entrepreneurs and financial professionals, showcasing how a strong vision, unwavering commitment to clients, and a passion for excellence can build a formidable and respected presence in the world of finance.

Our Vision

At Scandic Capitals, we envision a future where individuals and organizations in Scandinavia and beyond achieve financial prosperity through informed, sustainable, and innovative investment strategies.”




Our Mision

“Our mission at Scandic Capitals is to provide exceptional investment advisory services, empowering our clients to make informed financial decisions. We are committed to delivering personalized, ethical, and results-driven guidance that aligns with our clients’ financial objectives.”

Our Core Values

1. Integrity: We uphold the highest ethical standards in all our interactions, earning the trust and confidence of our clients, partners, and stakeholders. Honesty, transparency, and fairness are at the core of our operations.
2. Client-Centric Approach: Our clients are at the center of everything we do. We are committed to understanding their unique needs and providing personalized solutions to help them achieve their financial goals.
3. Excellence: We strive for excellence in all aspects of our business, from customer service to technological innovation. Our pursuit of excellence drives us to continuously improve and deliver exceptional results for our clients.
4. Knowledge and Expertise: Our team of professionals is driven by a passion for financial markets and possesses deep industry knowledge. We are dedicated to staying informed about market trends and emerging opportunities, enabling us to offer valuable insights to our clients.
5. Innovation: We embrace innovation as a key driver of growth and success. We invest in cutting-edge technology and tools to enhance our clients’ trading experience and empower them with the latest market intelligence.
6. Collaboration: We believe in the power of collaboration and teamwork. By fostering a culture of open communication and mutual respect, we harness the diverse talents of our team to deliver holistic solutions for our clients.
7. Security and Trust: We prioritize the security and confidentiality of our clients’ information and transactions. Our robust security measures and risk management practices ensure a safe and reliable trading environment.
8. Financial Literacy: We are committed to promoting financial literacy and education. Through educational resources and workshops, we empower our clients to make informed financial decisions and navigate the markets with confidence.
9. Social Responsibility: We recognize our role in contributing to the greater good of society. As a responsible corporate citizen, we actively engage in initiatives that support the communities we serve and contribute to sustainable development.
10. Adaptability: The financial landscape is constantly evolving. We embrace change and remain agile to adapt to shifting market conditions, ensuring that our clients have access to the best opportunities at all times.
These values guide our actions and decisions as we strive to be a leading brokerage company that adds value to our clients’ financial journeys and contributes positively to the broader financial community.

Our Goals

Client-Centric Excellence – Strive to exceed client expectations by delivering personalized investment strategies tailored to their unique financial goals. and maintain a client satisfaction rate of at least 95% through regular feedback and improvements.
Ethical Practices – Uphold the highest ethical standards in all our interactions and recommendations.  and  to ensure transparency and integrity in all investment activities.
Sustainable Investing – Promote sustainable and responsible investment practices that align with environmental, social, and governance (ESG) principles and aim ing to allocate a significant portion of assets under management (AUM) to sustainable investment opportunities.
Innovation and Technology – Stay at the forefront of technological advancements in the finance industry to provide cutting-edge investment solutions. and  continuously invest in research and development to improve our investment strategies and tools.
Education and Empowerment –Educate and empower clients with financial literacy and investment knowledge through seminars, webinars, and informative content. And aim to have 90% of clients report increased financial confidence and understanding.
Market Expansion – Expand our presence beyond Scandinavia by entering new international markets while maintaining a strong foothold in the home region. And target a 20% annual growth rate in assets under management.
Employee Development – Nurture a culture of learning, growth, and innovation among our employees. And ensure all employees have access to continuous professional development opportunities.
Community Engagement – Give back to the community by supporting financial education initiatives, charities, and sustainable development projects.  And strive to achieve a minimum of 1% of annual profits donated to charitable causes.
Risk Management – Implement robust risk management practices to protect clients’ investments and assets. And maintain a risk-adjusted return profile that outperforms industry benchmarks.
Long-Term Sustainability – Plan for the long-term sustainability of the company by managing resources efficiently and responsibly. And strive to be a leader in the investment advisory industry for decades to come


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